Žijevo, one day hiking tour
What can you do in Podgorica at + 42 C? Nothing, just run away as far as possible. Thanks to Marian from Slovakia, who needed company in the mountains, I did not spend the hottest day of the year in the stove of Podgorica. Our destination was the mountain massif of Žijevo, east of Podgorica, or to be precise, the peaks of Surdup (2185m) and Štitan. These mountains are not very popular among foreigners, but they still have a lot to offer: 14 peaks above 2000 m, two glacial lakes, numerous more or less demanding trails, around 60 routes in rocks of very good quality.. and all at 40 km from the capital city, what makes this mountain masiff perfect for those who wants to escape from beaches for one day...
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